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Rumors of the day: iTunes Replay, the iPhone 5 in October


Here are the latest rumors circulating in the Apple blogosphere:

“AppAdvice” ( says Apple is almost ready to launch a full-fledged re-downloading and possibly streaming service for TV shows and movies named iTunes Replay. “In a nutshell, iTunes Replay is an extension to what Apple is already doing with iCloud and free re-downloads of previously purchased music,” the site says.

“All Things D” ( says the iPhone 5 will debut in October, not September, as some have predicted. Rumors have it that the next gen Apple smartphone will use the faster A5 processor used by the iPad 2, a Qualcomm dual mode GSM/CDMA baseband, and a higher resolution eight-megapixel rear camera.

Google believes Microsoft, Oracle, Apple and other companies are waging a “hostile, organized campaign against Android” though “bogus patents”, according to a post on the Official Google Blog (

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