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DEVONtechnologies issues compatibility updates for Lion

DEVONtechnologies has updated all editions of its document and information manager DEVONthink, the smart note pad DEVONnote, and the freeware apps EasyFind and PhotoStickies for improved compatibility with Mac OS X 10.7 (“Lion”).

Version 2.2.1 of DEVONthink and DEVONnote fixes a number of glitches on Apple’s new operating system, such as with resizing windows, Lion’s new fullscreen mode, or using the Clip to DEVONthink extension after selecting text on a webpage. In addition all editions of DEVONthink now support Instapaper when capturing data using the Clip to DEVONthink extension, more reliably capture webpages that require a login, and fix a few other minor details and inconsistencies.

EasyFind 4.8.1 and PhotoStickies 5.6.4 fix glitches on Lion, too. PhotoStickies for the Mac App Store removes the option to run as a menu extra as this could be not compliant to Apple’s rules in some circumstances.

All Mac apps require Mac OS X 10.5 or later and can be downloaded as free trial versions from DEVONthink and DEVONnote can be test driven for free for 150 hours of non-continuous runtime until they need to be properly licensed.

DEVONthink Pro Office sells for US$149.95, Pro for $79.95, Personal for $49.95, and DEVONnote for U$24.95 in DEVONtechnologies’ online shop. EasyFind and PhotoStickies can be used for free. DEVONthink Personal, DEVONnote, EasyFind, and PhotoStickies are also available through the Mac App Store.

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