Expanding on and modernizing the advice in its best-selling titles about backups, Take Control Books has published “Take Control of Backing Up Your Mac,” a 228-page, US$15 ebook written by award-winning tech writer Joe Kissell.
Updated to cover Mac OS X 10.7 (“Lion”) and all the latest hardware, software, and online service changes in the backup world, “Take Control of Backing Up Your Mac” describes how to design a reliable backup system, understand backup lingo, shop for hardware, choose backup software, operate Time Machine (and determine whether Time Machine is a good option and what to do if it’s not), make backups, deal with any special backup needs, and recover lost data after a crash or other calamity.
For more info about the book, including table of contents and an author bio, go to http://oreilly.com/catalog/9781615420971 .