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Silverstack LT H.264 offers XML interchange with Final Cut Pro X

Pomfort has released an update to Silverstack LT H.264 that includes support for the new XML interchange of Final Cut Pro X.

With Silverstack LT H.264 Pomfort offers a workflow solution integrating Apple’s recently introduced XML support for Final Cut Pro X. Additionally, a Final Cut Pro plugin DSLR Log2video is published for Canon DSLR fimmakers using Technicolor’s CineStyle format. In Final Cut Pro X the plug-in now can be applied automatically to all clips without transcoding.

For checking the quality of film clips, Silverstack LT H.264 comes with pixel accurate zoom, as well as channel, focus and clipping inspectors. Comments, annotations and ratings can be added directly to film clips. All information is saved within the library and travels with clips when they are transferred to editorial programs like Final Cut Pro 7, Final Cut Pro X and Avid Media Composer.

Silverstack LT H.264 requires Mac OS X 10.6 or higher. It costs US$129 and is available at the Pomfort website (

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