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TextExpander for Mac OS X gets maintenance update


SmileOnMyMac ( has updated TextExpander, a Mac OS X utility that lets users define abbreviations for frequently-used text strings and images, to version 3.3.4 The new version is a maintenance update.

For users with more than one Mac, TextExpander offers two ways to sync snippets: MobileMe and Dropbox. With a single-user license, an individual user may install and use TextExpander on multiple computers, provided they are used primarily by that individual.

The regular cost is US$34.95 for a single user license or $44.95 for a five-pack family license. A 30-day fully-functioning demo of TextExpander can be downloaded at the SmileOnMyMac web site. Upgrades to TextExpander 3.0 from earlier versions costs $15, though version 3.3.4 is a free update for registered users of version 3.x.

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