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Apple patents involve cell power control, removing audio noise, more


Several Apple patents have popped up at the US Patent & Trademark Office. Following is a summary of each.

Patent number 20110300805 is for adaptive cellular power control. The patent involves a method of mitigating interference in a mobile wireless communication device by adaptively adjusting transmit power levels of a wireless cellular transceiver. A receive signal quality for a wireless non-cellular transceiver that includes interference from signals transmitted by the wireless cellular transceiver is estimated. The wireless non-cellular and wireless cellular transceivers are co-located in the mobile wireless communication device, and both transceivers are active.

An actual transmit power of the wireless cellular transceiver is adjusted based on the estimated receive signal quality to a level less than a requested transmit power. The estimation of the receive signal quality and the adjusting of the actual transmit power is periodically repeated. The estimation accounts for operational properties of the wireless cellular and non-cellular transceivers as well as operational characteristics of wireless connections through the transceivers. The inventors are Amit Gaikwad and Indranill Sen.

Patent number 20110300874 involves a system and method for removing TDMA audio noise. The patent involves removing time division multiple access (TDMA) noise from an audio signal during a silence interval and not during a non-silence interval. An audio silence interval may be a set of frames which have substantially no audible sound (i.e. no speech or voice are audible). This may be determined by analyzing the decibel level or magnitude of the audio signal.

In one embodiment, a voice activity detector determines a silence interval within the audio signal and sends a control signal to enable a TDMA noise filter. The audio signal is continuously passed through the TDMA noise filter. However, the TDMA noise filter only operates/processes the silence intervals of the audio signal as a result of the TDMA noise filter being activated by the voice activity detector. Shaohai Chen is the inventor.

Patent number 2011031778 is for thermal zone monitoring in an electronic device. Per the patent, a predefined mathematical relationship that is stored in the memory of a computing system is accessed, wherein the relationship refers to temperatures of a number of points in the system, wherein the points together define a zone. The mathematical relationship yields a representative temperature for the zone. Temperature data from sensors in the system is obtained and applied to thermal models, to estimate the temperatures of at least some of the points that define the zone.

The representative temperature for the zone is computed using the estimated temperatures as input to the mathematical relationship. A decision is then made on whether or not to change a power consuming activity limit in the system, based on the computed representative temperature. Other embodiments are also described and claimed. The inventors are Frank Faqi Liang, Jay S. Nigen, Amaury J. Heresztyn and Keith Cox.

Patent number 20110301870 involves vibrator motor speed determination in a mobile communications device. One embodiment of the patent relates to testing and verifying vibrator motor operation during manufacturing of a device and during in-the-field use. The test relies on an integrated motion sensor or other mechanical measurement circuitry, such as, for example, an accelerometer. In one embodiment, a speed determination for a vibrator motor performance during initial manufacture of the device. Subsequently, when vibration is detected during the in-the-field use, the vibration may be sampled using the integrated mechanical measurement circuitry.

Once sampled, a speed may be determined based on a resonance of the sampled signal. Over time, the various speed determinations for the vibrator motor may be analyzed to determine an overall health of the vibrator motor. A threshold for detecting when the overall health of the vibration motor over time has degraded may be predetermined. A notification of a degradation of vibrator motor performance is sent to either a manufacturer or user of the mobile communications device. Other embodiments are described and claimed. The inventors are Ching Yu John Tam, Ryan Jeffrey Du Bois and Chanh-Duy Nguyen Tran.

Patent number 20110301885 is for a system and method for testing a light sensor of a portable electronic device. The patent involves an improved system and method for testing a sensor of a portable electronic device based on expected sensor data and not timing information. The system and method for testing a sensor of a portable electronic device retrieves sensed data from the portable electronic device (i.e. device under test) after the device has traversed a series of test areas or zones.

The sensed data is compared against a set of expected sensor data patterns to determine which components of the sensed data correspond to each test area or zone. The sensor of the portable electronic device may be tested based on an association of the test areas or zones with segments of the sensed data. The inventors are Ching Yu John Tam, Bridget Bin Wu and Ryan Jeffrey Du Bois.

Patent number 20110301948 involves echo-related decisions on automatic gain control of an uplink speech signal in a communications device. The patent involves a method for performing a call between a near-end user and a far-end user, which includes the following operations performed during the call by the near-end user’s communications device. Automatic gain control (AGC) is performed to update a gain applied to an uplink speech signal. A frame is detected in a downlink signal that contains speech; in response, the updating of the gain is frozen. Other embodiments are also described and claimed. Shaohai Chen is the inventor.

Patent number 20110302422 is for a hash function using a repeated function with shifts. In the data security field, a modular cryptographic hash function process is embodied in a computer system or hardware (circuitry). The process is based on the mode of operation of the known “Shabal” hash function which uses a keyed permutation applied to each word of the message.

Here a function is substituted for the permutation and additional final rounds are added to the function. Security is further enhanced over that of the Shabal hash function by avoiding use of the message blocks in computing certain of the data arrays, in order to frustrate known message attacks. The inventors are Augustin J. Farrugia, Benoit Mames-Chevallier and Mathieu Ciet.

Patent number 20110302556 involves automatically displaying a related file in an editor. Per the patent, an art editor within an integrated development environment displays a related file automatically. When a user enters a command to open a first file in the editor, the editor not only displays the first file’s content (in a “primary editor”) but also automatically displays a second file’s content (in a “related editor”), where the second file is related to the first file. In other words, when a first file is displayed in the editor, a file that is related to the first file is automatically displayed also.

If the primary editor later displays a different file, then the file shown in the related editor will likely change as well, since the file shown in the related editor will be related to the “new” file in the primary editor. In other words, whatever is displayed in the related editor “tracks” whatever is displayed in the primary editor. The inventors are Maxwell O. Drukman, Andreas W. Wendker, Matthew D. Firlik, Todd R. Fernandez, Micheal S. Ferris and Anders L. Bertelrud.

— Dennis Sellers

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