Sinisa Drpa has updated Insider for Mac OS X 10.7.x (“Lion”) to version 1.1, adding Spotlight support. The app costs US$14.99 and is available at the Mac App Store.
Insider helps users to find specific text within documents, as well as files and folders. Combining Spotlight with Unix find and grep search tools, as well as support for regular expressions, it searches any set of directories that match the search criteria. The search is recursive and can be limited to a particular folder.
With Insider, the search operation is performed in real time, without the need for indexing, and can be limited to particular folder, according to the folks at Sinisa Drpa. The resulting matches can be previewed using Cover View, QuickLook or a text preview — where all matching instances of the search word are highlighted. To save time, there is a previous search list and the searches can be saved and organized for later reuse.