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Nevada board okays tax cuts for Apple


The Nevada Board of Economic Development has given the green light to US$89 million in tax cuts to Apple as the company plans to build a data center and accompanying buildings in downtown Reno and the town of Sparks, reports “AppleInsider” (

Apple is planning on opening a data center to house its cloud computing service east of Sparks as well as a business and purchasing center in downtown Reno, part of an US$1 billion investment the company plans to spend in Northern Nevada over the next 10 years. The deal includes US$89 million tax abatements from the city, county and state over the next decade.

About 82% of those tax breaks will reportedly come from local governments and the rest from the state. All totaled, local and state governments would collect about $16 million in tax revenue from Apple over the next 10 years.

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