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Flying Pig releases Localizator 1.0 for Mac OS X


Flying Pig ( has released Localizator 1.0, an Xcode project’s localizations tool. It’s specifically designed for developers who are working on massively localized projects with external support for translation.

Localizator browses a selected root directory looking for strings files, copies them, organizes them by language and creates a separate Localizator project, which can be saved aside and exchanged between engineers and translators outside of the actual Xcode project, making it safe to edit.

Upon completion of the localization work, the user can push the changes into the Xcode project file tree. Localizator will replace only edited files automatically removing for developers the hassle of finding and replacing each file one by one,.

Combined with Base Internationalization feature from latest Xcode versions, Localizator can integrate the developers workflow and serve as a tool designed to help developers master the challenge of the diversity the Apple App Stores’ market is offering.

Localizator requires Mac OS X 10.8 or higher and costs US$9.99. It’s available at the Mac App Store in the Developer Tools category (

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