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SCSC releases SpotOff 2, Spot-O-Meter 2 for Mac OS X

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Software and Computer System Company (SCSC) has released SpotOFf 2 with Spot-O-Meter 2 and Spot-O-Meter Mini for Mac OS X.

SpotOff 2 is the next generation of the company’s original product, SpotOff. It takes control of both Spotlight and Time Machine indexing related to the mds [meta data server] process. With the new versions, a user can tell when mds indexing is out of control, and then turn it on and off as needed.

The new version of SpotOff allows a user to control not only meta data server (mds) problems associated with Spotlight, but those associated with Time Machine as well. In addition, the original Spot-O-Meter has been re-vamped and comes in both a standard sized version, as well as a new “mini” version.

SpotOff 2 with Spot-O-Meter 2 and Spot-O-Meter Mini cost $10.95 each. Both versions of Spot-O-Meter can be downloaded from the company’s web site ( without SpotOff at no cost. Previous users of earlier versions of SpotOff have been e-mailed instructions to download the new version at no cost.

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