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ICNSmini is new bitmap shrinking app for the Mac

ICNSmini icon.jpg

Ohanaware ( has introduced ICNSmini 1.0 for Mac OS X. It’s a developer utility that slims PNG, ICNS, TIFF and Iconset images down in file size.

Some files can shed up to 85% of their digital fat. Underneath ICNSmini’s exterior lies Ohanaware’s custom ICNS generator, custom TIFF processor and “pngquant.” pngquant is a process for compressing PNG files, and its behind many image compression tools.

ICNSmini converts iconsets into compressed ICNS files, with the same savings as an ICNS file. It compresses PNG files up to 25% of their original size. It can slim TIFF files, on average, down to 30% of their original file size. (Actual compression rates will vary, dependent upon the content of the image.)

ICNSmini requires OS X 10.9 or newer. It’s free from the Mac App Store in the Graphics & Design category. Batch processing is available via an in-app purchase; without batch processing images can still be compressed, one at a time.

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