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AppleTogether plans class action lawsuit against Apple for ‘union busting’ efforts

Following multiple accounts of Apple’s union-busting efforts, AppleTogether campaigners are considering a class action lawsuit, and are asking Apple Store staff to report incidents, reports AppleInsider.

This is a tweet from AppleTogether: Are you experiencing union-busting in your Apple store? Aggressive, anti-union talk during your daily downloads? Pulled aside and intimidated about organizing?If so, fill out this anonymous survey and let us know. A class action lawsuit is in the works.

Apple Together is a group of Apple employees that formerly used the #AppleToo moniker to air grievances about workplace conditions, harassment, and sexism at Apple. The organization describes itself as “Apple workers in retail corporate, and AppleCare uniting to change” the company.

Article provided with permission from AppleWorld.Today
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