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Macs predicted to see almost 16% shipment growth in China this year

Recent research from Canalys shows that total PC (desktop, notebook and workstation) shipments in mainland China ended 2022 on a low note, declining 26% year-on-year in the fourth quarter. But the forecast is good for the Mac.

Canalys says Apple’s Mac laptop updates and its efforts to push into enterprises will enhance the macOS market share with nearly 16% shipment growth expected in 2023. However, the research group forecasts that iPadOS and Android will see a decline of 18% and 8%, respectively, while the “Others” operating system, mainly HarmonyOS, is expected to expand further with 105% growth in the coming year, albeit from a small base, driven by replacement demand.

Canalys says in quarter four of 2022 desktop (including desktop workstation) shipments dropped to 3.7 million units, a 34% decline, while the notebook shipment (including mobile workstations) was down 22% to 8.5 million units. However, tablet shipments during the time period rose 39% to 7.5 million units, driven by new device launches from major vendors. 

For 2022, PC (desktop, notebook and workstation) shipments reached 48.5 million units, a decline of 15% from 2021. Canalys estimates showed tablet shipments were up 6% year-on-year to 24.0 million units, benefiting from the demand surge caused by lockdowns throughout last year. 

The research group expects PC (desktop, notebook and workstation) shipments to stabilize in 2023, with around 48.3 million shipments to maintain a similar shipment level to 2022. Canalys predicts that:
 ° The commercial sector will bounce by 10% in 2023, thanks to the gradual recovery of the local economy and business activities. 

° The consumer segment will still experience a 9% drop, as recovery is not expected until the fourth quarter. 

° Desktops (including desktop workstations) will grow by 15% in 2023, to reach 17.3 million units

° Notebooks (including mobile workstations) will decline by 7% to 30.9 million units. 

° In the tablet space, consumer demand will be moderated, given the expanded adoption in the past three years; the category is set to go down by 8% to 22.1 million in 2023, as commercial adoption has yet to be developed.

Article provided with permission from AppleWorld.Today
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