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Average monthly active recipients of Apple-provided data services in the European Union numbers 123 million

Apple’s European DSA Recipients of Services Report shows that the number of average monthly active recipients in the the European Union of Apple-provided data services, calculated as an average over the period of the six months to July 31, 2023. This number is 123 million.

The European Union (EU) is a political and economic union of 27 member states located primarily in, of course, Europe. The EU contains almost 6% of the world’s population.

Here are some notes from Horace Dediu’s Asymco review of the European DSA Recipients of Services Report: Note that we know the total active devices to be over 2 billion and the active iPhones to be about 1.2 billion. This implies that about half of iPhone users have an Apple-owned subscription and that over half of the subscriptions Apple manages are for its own services.

What’s more, we can obtain a detailed list of expected Apple Services users for each country. An example would be 5.8 million users in Mexico or 1.7 million in New Zealand. [I could furnish this on a country-level in a newsletter, if anybody is interested please let me know.]

It also allows us to understand the potential for countries which currently are below the model’s threshold of income. That list consists of 88 countries with a combined population of over 4 billion. They will join the Apple ecosystem, it’s only a matter of time. Can we predict this? I believe so. Stay tuned.

The story of Apple Services is only getting more important but also more detailed in terms of data and analysis. Readers of this blog have been well prepared for what happened and Apple has followed through with gross margin data and now with some limited country-level data.

As we move into the era of spatial computing, services will only matter more and it’s imperative that observers of the company stay on top of the data with solid modeling.

Article provided with permission from AppleWorld.Today
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