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U.S. Consumers Holding Onto their Mobile Devices Longer than Ever

Assurant, Inc., a global business services company, has revealed that the average age of a mobile device turned in from trade-in or upgrade programs has reached an all-time high of 3.7 years, based on Assurant and industry data. 

With the average trade-in value per device increasing nearly 28% quarter-over-quarter from US$110.87 to $141.02, consumers received an estimated $829 million of value by trading in their devices in the second quarter.

The latest findings are detailed in the Assurant Mobile Trade-In and Upgrade Industry Trends Report, which shows the increasing value of trade-in and upgrade programs for both consumers and wireless providers. Key industry highlights from the second quarter (Q2) 2024 report include:

In addition to the financial benefit for consumers, for every device that is reused in lieu of a new device manufactured, there is a positive impact on the environment. Using estimates from Assurant Carbon IQ, an Assurant solution that provides insights on the carbon impact of individual connected devices, approximately 385,000 metric tons of carbon emissions have been avoided because of trade-in and upgrade programs in the second quarter.

The latest Assurant Mobile Trade-In and Upgrade Industry Trends report combines data from Assurant’s proprietary Device IQ analytics platform and industry market data to provide the latest insights into market trends. The latest report is available to download here.

Article provided with permission from AppleWorld.Today
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