Carmen Delessio, President
Black Dirt Software
914-651-0015 (fax)
Article on Visual Basic to Java Conversion Published
GOSHEN NY — April 18, 1997 (INB) — In a technical article published in
Javology, Black Dirt Software ( discusses issues
involved in designing and implementing a Visual Basic to Java Converter.
The article is available online at
The article written by Carmen Delessio, Black Dirt’s President, compares
common features in Visual Basic and Java. Components, event models, and
the idea of an object-oriented converter are examined. The article
describes an “ever-expanding converter” that can be extended and customized
by third party vendors and end users.
Carmen Delessio confirmed that the technical points in the article form the
basis of Black Dirt’s next generation converter. A beta product is
scheduled for Internet release on April 23.
He added, “I feel strongly that the way to make things happen in this
industry is to be open with our technology. We want to be known as a smart
company that informs and enables our customers.”
The Javology article is the second from Black Dirt’s president this month.
The May issue of Dr. Dobb’s Journal includes an article about converting
Windows Metafiles into Java Source code.
About Black Dirt
Black Dirt Software is a privately held Java software company based in
Goshen, NY. Black Dirt’s mission is to become the software industry leader
for moving legacy systems onto the Java platform.