MacTech Events have a number of different types of sponsorship opportunities. Event attendees are not only the driving force behind the industry, they are also the most influential in terms of purchasing and product advice.
Contact 877-622-2371 for more information. Price breaks for MacTech advertisers, and those that sponsor individual events. Sponsorship pricing is based on packages and starts at low out-of-pocket. Ask us about custom packages and pricing.
There are two types of events — MacTech BootCamp and MacTech Conference. See below for options.
One Day Seminar Sponsor Comments
“MacTech Boot Camp was a great event for DriveSavers to sponsor. The attendees were the ideal audience for our message and our mission about helping businesses and users protect and recover their critical data.”
– Chris Bross, Strategic Technical Alliances, DriveSavers
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“We get great value for the dollars spent sponsoring MacTech events. Sponsorship has allowed us great pre- and post- event promotion, and the event itself is perfect for meaningful interaction with potential clients. Outside of mere sponsorship, we enjoy knowing that we are helping enable an educational event. So, thanks MacTech, not only for helping the Apple admin community grow, but for allowing us a wonderful opportunity to interact with our clientele.”
– Allen Hancock, CEO, Watchman Monitoring, Inc.
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“MacTech’s Virtual Sponsorship is a great opportunity! The virtual sponsorship allowed us to connect with new developers without even being at the conference!”
– Alyssa Foley, Marketing Manager, REAL Software, Inc.
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“The Microsoft Office for Mac team was a sponsor of the first Boot Camp seminar and this event was a valuable way to connect with consultants who support and administer Office for Mac on behalf of customers in business.”
– Kurt Schmucker, Senior Evangelist / Product Manager, Microsoft
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“It was great to share our product iFix with such a great group. MacTech BootCamp was an excellent fit and is highly recommended for the novice to the pro, thank you Neil and Andrea for a great day.”
– Timur Beriker, 2boxtechs
MacTech Conference Sponsorships
MacTech Conference’s attendees are not only the driving force behind the industry, but they are the most influential in terms of purchasing and product advice. MacTech Conference has a limited number of sponsorship opportunities in a variety of packages to help you get your message out to attendees. Sponsorship pricing is based on packages and start at low out of pocket.
Between 94-96% of MacTech Conference attendees have one-on-one conversations with event sponsors. And, MacTech’s delivery method of sponsor brands gives an incredibly high retention rate for attendees to not only have your brand top of mind, but what your product actually does.
Contact 877-622-2371 for more information.
Note: Customized packages and pricing are available. Give us a call to discuss options.
MacTech Conference Sponsor Comments
“Microsoft is excited to be a sponsor of all MacTech events since 2010. MacTech has consistently given us one of the most valuable ways for us to connect with consultants and IT Pros recommending and supporting Microsoft Office for Mac. In fact, MacTech Conference was the best Apple related show we have been a part of in the last couple years.”
– Susie McDonald, Microsoft Office Marketing Manager
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“eSellerate has proudly sponsored Mac related events since our inception in 2000 and the MacTech conference proved a wonderful addition to that list. Speakers were both informative and creative (think pirate costume), logistics were effortless and the schedule allowed for both casual conversation and deeper, more serious discussion. In all, it was a well-balanced event that already has us penciling in the 2011 version for attendance and sponsorship.”
– Michele Johannes, eSellerate/MindVision
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“We had a very successful showing at the MacTech Conference. Our app sales made the top 10 in the Education category during the event, and I’ve got a large number of pre-release reservations for our new SkyWire product. Our demo was well received, and in addition to the exposure at the event, we got great media coverage. Thanks again for the opportunity.”
– Tim DeBenedictis, Founder, Southern Stars
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MacTech selects key vendors to be a part of the event. Gold and Silver sponsors will be speaking and attending the event, and can talk to you about the solutions they offer. It’s a unique opportunity to make contacts within these companies and get your questions answered. Interested in sponsoring a MacTech event? See our sponsorship page.
Media Support
These great publications support MacTech Events in a variety of different ways.