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StarNine Technologies is proud to announce the release of WebSTAR 2.1.

This upgrade, free to all WebSTAR 2.0 users, offers a number of new
features, and fixes server bugs revealed by the latest versions of Netscape
Navigator and Communicator. For the greatest reliability and browser
compatibility, this upgrade is recommended for all WebSTAR sites.

WebSTAR 2.0 users can download the WebSTAR 2.1 Updater archive at
( Current users of
WebSTAR 1.X are invited to take advantage of our ‘Macworld Expo’ upgrade
price of $149 by contacting our sales department or ordering online
(available now through 8/15/97). Evaluation copies are also available at

Some of the exciting, new features and enhancements in WebSTAR 2.1 include:
– Support for new HTTP date formats (RFC 822/1123)
– Support for cache flushing at user-specified intervals
– Ability to perform automated server restarts
– Support for W*API 1.2, including the ability for Plug-Ins to listen on
multiple TCP/IP ports.
– New Log Format tokens, including support for logging four-character year
– New “Plug-Ins” menu allowing Plug-Ins to display a configuration window
or perform certain tasks.
– Improved reliability of ‘log rolling’
– New Server-Side-Includes character set translation options.
– Now supports the final HTTP 1.1 byte-range serving specification.
– New AppleEvents for use by CGIs.
– Several new W*API Plug-In services.

NOTE: We also recommend that MacHTTP users upgrade to WebSTAR 2.1 for
greatly improved reliability, speed and features.