Made with Prograph List Updated

Date: August 3, 1998
Contact: John Shackelford

For Immediate Release

Tritera Updates Made with Prograph List

Ocean Beach, CA August 3, 1998: Tritera announced today that the Made with
Prograph List ( has been updated with
several new applications. Tritera maintains the list as a service to the
Prograph/CPX developer community. It lists commercial applications
developed using Prograph/CPX ( – an award winning
visual object oriented integrated development environment for the Macintosh
and Windows operating systems.

Tritera is a Software Development and Consulting company based in San
Diego, California. Tritera provides customized software development for
Macintosh, Windows, UNIX, and embedded systems using C, C++, CPX, and Java
programming languages. The two main Tritera product lines BuildSim
( and
objx( – a set
of CPX class libraries for Prograph developers.

Tritera Systems
P.O Box 83338
San Diego, CA 92138

VOICE: 800.819.8819 FAX: 619.222.1442