Automated Solutions Group Announces the Release of SuperReport Pro 2.5

Enhanced reporting tool for 4th Dimension.

Huntington Beach, CA – February 9, 2001: Automated Solutions Group today
announced the release of SuperReport Pro 2.5 for Macintosh and Windows.

About SuperReport Pro
SuperReport Pro 2.5 is the most powerful upgrade ever offered for
SuperReport Pro. With over 50 new and enhanced routines, a new developer
API, enhanced user interface, enhanced HTML interface and web integration,
and compatibility with 4D 6.5/6.7, it’s not your ordinary columnar
reporting tool.

SuperReport Pro combines the power and ease of use of 4th Dimension with
an enhanced reporting interface which can create a wide variety of reports.
)From standard columnar style reports, to detailed invoices, to reports
which will be distributed within your companies intranet or to your
corporate web site.

SuperReport Pro, the most advanced reporting tool for 4th Dimension does
the Web! SuperReport Pro 2.5 provides the ability to leverage your existing
reports for distribution on the Web. Reports created for web distribution
can now be output to 4D BLOB variables; enabling you to procedurally access
and display reports directly in dynamic web pages built using 4th
Dimension. No longer are you required to output the HTML files to disk
before they can be integrated into web applications.

SuperReport Pro is fully integrated into the 4th Dimension development
environment, using a full featured Report Editor which can be used by
application developers who need to design complex custom reports and end
users who need to create ad-hoc reports.

“Our clients use SuperReport Pro 2.5 to create their own Invoices,
Estimates, and Purchase Orders. Without SuperReport Pro 2.5, JobOrder, our
vertical market product, would not be able to satisfy the form-generating
requirements of our wide range of clients”,

— said Victor Siegle, President of Management Software

SuperReport Pro 2.5 Developer API
SuperReport Pro 2.5 includes a new developer API that enables application
developers the ability to customize all aspects of the reporting interface.
Developers can create custom forms, which interact with the SuperReport Pro
Editor, customize the actions of all SuperReport Pro menus, and interface
directly with all report objects – while reports are being printed!

In addition, SuperReport Pro 2.5 provides the ability to procedurally
create and manage report documents without using the SuperReport Pro
Editor. Using these new routines, developers can create sophisticated
reports interfaces to suit the most complex reporting requirements.
Developers can easily create runtime based reports using any supported
SuperReport Pro object, including 4D fields, array, and variables (or
combination thereof).

What’s New in SuperReport Pro 2.5

Enhanced User Interface
SuperReport Pro user interface has been complete redesigned, taking
advantage of the internal platform interface objects available in 4D v6 and
greater. All interface elements are now consistent with the internal 4th
Dimension interface and utilizes modern interface elements.

Compatibility with 4D 6.5 and 6.7
SuperReport Pro is now 100% compatible with 4D 6.5 and 4D 6.7. Numerous
updates have been made to assure complete compatibility with 4D/4D Server
and 4D’s web features.

Developer Interface
SuperReport Pro now includes a full-featured developer interface which
provides 4th Dimension application developers with a suite of routines for
procedurally creating and managing reports. Developers have full control
over the interface dialogs which are displayed when any SuperReport Pro
object is created or modified, as well as the ability to override any of
the standard SuperReport Pro menu items.

Enhanced HTML Interface
SuperReport Pro includes new interfaces for creating and working with
reports from within web applications. Developers can now create reports
using SuperReport Pro, which may be invoked and displayed within dynamic
web applications, using a variety of web features available in 4D 6.5 and
4D 6.7.

New and Enhanced Commands
SuperReport Pro includes over 50 new and enhanced commands, providing more
power and flexibility for report creation and management requirements.
These enhancements have been added to address some of the most commonly
requested features of existing SuperReport Pro users.

Pricing and Availability Information
SuperReport Pro Single-User for MacOS or Windows…………………$399.95
SuperReport Pro Single User Bundle (includes MacOS and Windows)……$699.95

SuperReport Pro Server for MacOS or Windows……………………..$695.95
SuperReport Pro Server Bundle (includes MacOS and Windows)………..$995.95

SuperReport Pro 2.5 upgrade per platform (MacOS or Windows)……….$299.95*

* Discounted upgrade price of $199.95 per platform to users of version 2.0
(valid serial number is required) if purchased before March 15, 2001.

About Automated Solutions Group
Based in Huntington Beach, California, Automated Solutions Group provides
software development and consulting services. Founded in 1989, Automated
Solutions Group develops and supports a wide variety of software
development tools to aid in the creation of custom applications for the
Macintosh and Windows platforms.

For more information, please visit our home page at
or contact the sales office in your area.