For Immediate Release

New portable graphics for OS X

AlphaMask, Inc. announces the Mac OS X version of its portable 2D graphics
engine AGL.


Following Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) in San Jose,
AlphaMask is announcing the immediate availability of its portable 2D
graphics engine, AGL, for developers on OS/X and OS/9.

AGL is a high end graphics library, with features like antialias text and
graphics, gradients, matrix transformations and transparency. AGL ships in
3rd party products on Mac OS, Windows, Linux, and embedded systems.

“Its like having a cross-platform version of Quartz.” says AlphaMask CEO
Mike Reed. “AGL provides state of the art 2D graphics to OS X, and
everywhere else!”

“Text drawing is our forte,” says AlphaMask CTO Oliver Steele. “that’s why
AGL supports all the major font formats and 3rd party font scalers:
TrueType and Type-1 fonts, and of course all of our code is Unicode ready.”

AlphaMask, Inc.
10 Hancock St. #1
Boston, MA 02114

Contact – Mike Reed
Ph – (617) 510.4532
Fax – (617) 723-4136
Email –