For immediate release:

Electric Fish, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of CWCVS 2.4.1, a
CodeWarrior version control plug-in which provides access to the GNU CVS
system from inside the CodeWarrior IDE.

CVS is a widely used POSIX-based version control system and CVS clients are
available on many platforms, including the Macintosh, making it a
reasonable choice for multiple platform development. CWCVS allows Macintosh
developers to use CVS with CodeWarrior without arcane command line
arguments or scripts.

Version 2.4.1 includes the following new features:

Remove Get from Undo Checkout;
Various bug fixes;

CWCVS is available now at:


Electric Fish, Inc. is a software development company based in
Seattle, Washington.

For more information, contact Richard Wesley,