Maxum Development Announces Major FTP Server Update

March 14, 2002. Rumpus, Maxum Development’s class-leading FTP server
software for Mac OS and Mac OS X, has reached version 2.1. The update,
available now, incorporates dozens of feature and usability enhancements.
For this new release, Maxum has focused primarily on improving existing
functions, making Rumpus easier and more flexible to use. Among the host of
enhancements, the new version offers:

* A new setup assistant, which helps new FTP server administrators
create their first anonymous and secure user accounts instantly
so that FTP service can be enabled with just a couple of clicks.

* The ability to function on private networks with packet
forwarding, even when the network uses dynamic domain name

* A revised interface that separates complex settings to help
avoid mistakes and ensure consistent FTP service.

* Improved server management, including IP address-based access
restriction, better error and activity reporting and enhanced
AppleEvent support with full transcript capabilities.

* Support for Sophisticated Circuits’ PowerKey, Kick-Off! and
Rebound! crash recovery devices.

* And of course, bug fixes that improve stability and performance,
make the Rumpus interface more consistent, and ensure reliable
access to all of Rumpus’ features and modules.

Rumpus Version 2.1 is a free upgrade for all Rumpus 2.0 owners. For all
others, a $79 upgrade is available ($129 for the Rumpus Pro version).
Complete details about upgrading can be found by clicking “Upgrades” on the
Rumpus home page, at:

Founded in 1991, Maxum Development became the first company to ship
commercial Internet products for the Macintosh when it released NetCloak
and NetForms in 1994. Since that time, Maxum has continued to innovate with
a series of unique, widely acclaimed Internet server products.