Figleaf 1.8 announced

Figleaf is the solution for quickly generating and printing inlets/covers
and backcovers for Audio CDs. Figleaf reads the tracklist from mp3 folders
or from the CD Remote Database[1]. For emusic albums it will automatically
get the cover from emusic, otherwise it will search Google or other
searchsites for the cover.

What does Figleaf do?

* Generates the title and playing time for each track
* Retrieves Albumtitle and Artist (if possible)
* Retrieves the Coverimage from or through a
Web Search (Google)
* Generates an Inlet and a back cover for standard CD jewel cases
* Figleaf automatically sizes the Font to fit the full
* Prints Artist and Album on the frontcover, or image only
* Optionally prints Cropmarks and Borders
* You can add Notes, and have Figleaf calculate the
total playing time

What doesn’t Figleaf do?

* Does NOT print to CD Inlet stationery like Avery or Zweckform.
Plain Paper and scissors only

Figleaf is Shareware and costs $14.50 USD. The basic standard layout is
available for unregistered users, any additional options need a valid

You can download Figleaf from (

Figleaf is made with REALbasic,

Thank you, Thomas Hassan

P.S.: If you need material to burn on CDs, check out[3] and
download the music with TafkaR, also available from

[1] you’ll need a CDDB aware application to get the tracknames from
the CDDB
[2] With some fonts and specific CD (very long tracknames)
you may get less than desirable results.
[3] is the biggest legal source for mp3s. No affiliation,
except as a satisfied customer.