For Immediate Release
Portland, OR – June 20, 2002

Dr. Bott ships LeatherPod, Leather case for the iPod from e-Pac.


LeatherPod from e-Pac is a deluxe iPod case in European design that
features play-through usability while still offering protection for the
iPod itself. The removable shoulder strap and belt clip provide versatile
yet elegant ways to keep your iPod with you on the go.

“The LeatherPod is a truly befitting the professional with high quality
soft leather and European design.” said Jens Dietrich, of Dr. Bott KG. “All
the style, comfort and features do not add up in price – in fact, the
LeatherPod is surprisingly affordable!”

Pricing & Availability:
LeatherPod retails for $29.95 is available immediately.

About Dr. Bott LLC:
Dr. Bott LLC of Portland, Oregon (, is a
manufacturer and distributor of Macintosh peripherals dedicated to serving
resellers, VARs, and consultants with third party Macintosh

Reseller inquiries are always welcome. Dr. Bott LLC can be reached at (503)
582-9944 or by fax at (503) 682-6767. For further information check the Dr.
Bott web site at