Maxum Development Announces PageSentry Update

July 23, 2002. Maxum Development is pleased to announce the release of a
significant update to PageSentry, the popular Internet server early warning
and failure recovery solution for Mac OS and OS X. “For PageSentry Version
4.1, we’ve focused on stability, performance, and enhancements to the key
features that administrators rely on most heavily,” said John O’Fallon,
President of Maxum.

Accordingly, the most notable updates to PageSentry include:

* Bug Fixes – Problems that affected usability under Mac OS X and under Mac
OS 7 and 8 have been addressed, the built-in Web server has been rewritten
for more reliable and faster dynamic Web reporting, and numerous other
customer-reported errors have been corrected.

* Automated Routine Maintenance – Because PageSentry is designed to be run
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, routine maintenance is essential. In
PageSentry 4.1, much of this work can now be automated via a daily cleanup
action. Sample scripts are included in the PageSentry package.

* Historical Report Updates – PageSentry not only warns network
administrators of current server problems, but maintains a history of
server performance which can be reviewed in PageSentry or via dynamic Web
reports. Histories are now tracked more efficiently and can be reset as
needed by the administrator.

* Remote Test Triggers – Server tests can now be triggered remotely, from
any Web browser, allowing administrators to troubleshoot network problems
quickly and easily, without having to be at the PageSentry test station.

* Usability Enhancements – Other enhancements make PageSentry even easier
to use. For example, under OS X, PageSentry will now create it’s own system
StartupItems folder and files, completely automating what had previously
been the most difficult task in setting up a PageSentry monitoring station.

A free trial version of PageSentry, which expires at the end of each month
but is otherwise full-featured, is available for immediate download from
the PageSentry Web site, linked below.

PageSentry Version 4.1 is a free upgrade for all PageSentry 4.0 owners. For
all others, a $69 upgrade is available ($99 for the Enterprise version).
Complete details about upgrading can be found by clicking “Upgrades” on the
PageSentry home page, at:

Founded in 1991, Maxum Development became the first company to ship
commercial Internet products for the Macintosh when it released NetCloak
and NetForms in 1994. Since that time, Maxum has continued to innovate with
a series of unique, widely acclaimed Internet server products.