Mountain View, California – November 8, 2004 – Pixoria, Inc. is proud
to announce that Konfabulator version 1.8 is available for download.
The amazingly popular utility, previously only available for Mac OS X,
is now available for Windows as well.

Konfabulator is a utility that allows you to use (and develop)
cross-platform mini-Applications using JavaScript and XML to do
whatever you want, and look however you want. Using the time-tested
Mozilla JavaScript engine, Konfabulator is a completely open and easy
to learn environment, so creating your own Widgets is an extremely
simple task. For the “skinning” crowd, Konfabulator is a dream come
true. You can easily change the look, feel, layout, even functionality
of a Widget so that it matches your lifestyle, your desktop, or the
pants or skirt you have on that day.

For Mac OS X users, Konfabulator 1.8 offers a host of new features for
Widget developers, along with a spectacular new Stock Ticker Widget.
For Windows users, a whole new world of Widget bliss is now ready for
your consumption.

Want more than the default Widgets? Visit the revamped Widget Gallery
that contains over 800 user contributed Widgets ranging from amazingly
addictive games to incredibly useful utilities. Almost 400 of these
Widgets are ready for Windows users to enjoy.

The Gallery is at: (

Konfabulator’s home is: (

And the 1.8 download is here: (