New Mac Recovery Tools Provide More Recovery Options for Macintosh Data
Loss Victims

MINNEAPOLIS — April 11, 2006 — To support the growing market of Apple
Macintosh users, Ontrack Data Recovery has developed new Mac-specific
recovery tools that allow Ontrack engineers to recover more data, offer
improved reports, handle larger volume sizes, support more languages, and
provide faster return of data to the customer.

“As Macs continue to grow in popularity, it is crucial that Mac users have
all of the same resources available as PC users — including high-quality
data recovery solutions,” said Jim Reinert, senior director of Software and
Services for Ontrack Data Recovery. “By developing proprietary Mac recovery
tools, Ontrack is taking proactive measures to ensure that every computer
user has options if they experience a data disaster. Currently, the
majority of our Mac recoveries are successful, so with these improvements,
Mac users can have even more confidence in trusting Ontrack with their
valuable data.”

Supporting Mac recoveries since its foundation in 1987, Ontrack Data
Recovery has performed thousands of successful Mac recoveries to date.
Ontrack recently enhanced its technical capabilities for Mac OS X,
including support for HFS, HFS+, HFSX, UFS and Intel Mac file systems. In
addition to the new recovery tools, Ontrack has recovery
capabilities across the entire line of Apple products including:

* Apple Mac mini, iMac, Power Mac, iBook, MacBook and PowerBook
* Apple Xserve RAID, Xserve G5
* iPod

“When my most important client’s external hard drive partition table was
lost, we purchased multiple recovery tools online but had zero success in
recovering the Macintosh file system (HFS+) formatted drive,” said
Christopher Laughery, owner and managing director of AquaOrb Consulting in
Houston, Texas. “Ontrack’s engineers were able to connect to the Mac drive
remotely via the internet, and within a few short hours they had recovered
100 percent of the 750 GB of lost data. Without Ontrack’s proprietary
Macintosh recovery tools, my company would have lost its best customer.”

In 2005, Ontrack experienced a 17 percent increase in Mac recoveries,
performing recoveries for a variety of industries including film production
companies, movie and TV studios and Colleges and Universities across the

About Ontrack Data Recovery

Ontrack Data Recovery (www.ontrack.com) is the largest, most experienced
and technologically advanced provider of data recovery products and
services worldwide. Ontrack is able to recover lost or corrupted data from
virtually all operating systems and types of storage devices through its
do-it-yourself, remote and in-lab capabilities, using its hundreds of
proprietary tools and techniques. Ontrack Data Recovery is a brand name of
Kroll Ontrack Inc., a technology services subsidiary of Kroll Inc., the
global risk consulting company.