Add Interactive Media To Web Sites Without Slow Loading Plug-ins

Toronto, Ontario (May 31, 2007) — RAGE Software announced today the
immediate availability of RAGE MapDesign 1.0. A new tool for web developers
to easily add interactivity to their web sites without relying on slow
loading multimedia plug-ins.

RAGE MapDesign provides a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) user
interface that allows web developers to visually add hot spots to a single
image file which link to multiple web pages. Using standards based CSS,
RAGE MapDesign lets users define mouse over and mouse down transitions
adding slick visual effects which are compatible with virtually every web
browser and operating system. RAGE MapDesign generates all the necessary
code so previous knowledge of CSS or HTML is not required.

RAGE MapDesign can be used to create interactive media such as the
following samples demonstrate;

RAGE MapDesign runs on Mac OS X 10.3 or later. A free trial version is
available for download from;

The full version of RAGE MapDesign, which allows exporting image maps to
web sites, can be purchased for $19.95 USD safely and securely from;

Since 1999, RAGE Software has continued to deliver Macintosh Software for
web developers to design and promote their web sites including RAGE
WebDesign, the first fully extendable HTML editor for the Mac, RAGE Google
Sitemap Automator, helping web sites get noticed by search engines, and
RAGE ButtonDesign, the first CSS based web site button creation tool.