Two ebooks from Take Control document the iPhone and help users solve problems

Ithaca, NY USA (September 14, 2007) — Although it’s the hottest gadget
available, early adopters have discovered that Apple’s iPhone is both a
full-fledged computer and a 1.0 product. Take Control Books has two new
titles to help readers make the most of their new iPhones and teach them
how to solve the inevitable problems that afflict all digital devices.

The 93-page “Macworld iPhone Superguide,” written by the technology experts
at Macworld, examines every facet of the iPhone, from setup and activation
all the way to choosing the best accessories. Macworld’s writers look in
depth at the iPhone’s email and text message capabilities, using Safari and
other iPhone applications, converting and watching video, and syncing
photos. It’s available for $12.95 from

Also available as an in-progress book is “Take Control of Troubleshooting
Your iPhone.” Written by troubleshooting guru Ted Landau, this
indispensable guide teaches iPhone users to deal with activation problems,
sync failures and conflicts, keyboard and gesture quirks, application
crashes, iPhone freezes, and handset security. Future releases will add
coverage of Wi-Fi and EDGE networking issues, solutions to specific
application troubles, and advice on dealing with iPhone hardware problems.
“Take Control of Troubleshooting Your iPhone” is available in draft-release
form for $10 at; those who buy
now can read and comment on the 71-page draft release.

Book Details:

“Macworld iPhone Superguide” by Macworld
PDF format, 93 pages, free 22-page sample available
Publication date: September 10, 2007
Ebook Price: $12.95

“Take Control of Troubleshooting Your iPhone” by Ted Landau
Web format, 71 pages
Publication date: September 10, 2007
Ebook Price: $10

About TidBITS and Take Control Books:

TidBITS Publishing Inc. has been publishing highly regarded news and
editorial since 1990 when Adam and Tonya Engst created their online
newsletter, TidBITS, about Macintosh- and Internet-related topics. Their
Take Control series has helped many thousands of readers with high-quality,
timely, real-world, cost-effective documentation since 2003. To learn more,
visit the FAQ at