This week, CNET TechTracker released VersionTracker Pro Mac 4.5, a new CNET
service. VersionTracker Pro is a subscription-based software program that
solves one of the challenges commonly faced by active Mac users — to have
good information on the recently updated software applications they rely on
to ensure their systems are running as efficiently as possible.

Mac software developers are constantly working to enhance the features and
performance of their products, and every day hundreds of new updates are

VersionTracker Pro Mac 4.5 compares the user’s software with a
continually-updated online database, and alerts users immediately when
updates are available – with information on system compatibility, new
features, user reviews and ratings. Users can then make informed decisions
on updating, and download the upgrades they need with a single click.

The new Mac 4.5 release includes:

— Leopard Ready! – Use the OS filtering feature of VersionTracker Pro to
tell you when your favorite applications have been updated for Apple’s
latest OS.

— Automatic installation – VersionTracker Pro can be configured to
automatically install any application with an installer OR any application
that is installed via drag and drop.

VersionTracker Pro’s online database is the most up-to-date, comprehensive
resource for Mac software upgrades, patches, and updates on the Internet.
Over 100,000 subscribers, an unparalleled accomplishment in the Internet
subscription world, rely on the features of VersionTracker Pro. Over three
million visitors per month use the site to improve their software’s
performance and security with the latest plug-ins and updates, or just to
see what new developments are happening in the Mac universe.

A one-year VersionTracker Pro Mac 4.5 subscription is available online for
$49.95. For more information, visit: (http:///)http://