.com Solutions Inc. has released FmPro Migrator 4.45, as a
maintenance update, including a new FileMaker Pro to SQLite migration
feature. FmPro This release also includes a new FmPro Migrator
preference file implementation and enhancements to Access database

As the popularity of the SQLite grows, developers may choose to take
advantage of FmPro Migrator’s ability to easily copy FileMaker Pro
data and schema into SQLite databases. FmPro Migrator can also be
used to replace data within existing SQLite database files when using
FileMaker Pro as a workgroup development repository. This technique
enables SQLite to serve as an embedded database for a website or a
desktop application, utilizing refreshed data from FileMaker Pro.

FmPro Migrator Developer Edition includes all the features of FmPro
Migrator, but also includes FileMaker Table Consolidation, and
automation of the relationship and layout creation process on Mac OS
X and Windows.

FmPro Migrator Developer Edition includes all of the features of
FmPro Migrator, but also converts FileMaker Pro Layouts and
ScriptMaker scripts into Revolution stacks. The Table Consolidation
feature performs the automated copying of Tables/Fields, Table
Occurrences, Relationships, ScriptMaker scripts and Layouts between
FileMaker 8, 8.5 and 9 database files on Mac OS X and Windows.

FmPro Migrator Changes Include:

* FileMaker Pro to SQLite Migration – FmPro Migrator provides
software developers with the opportunity to manage data in FileMaker
Pro, and then transfer that data into SQLite databases for use with
portable, embedded or web applications.

* Enhanced FmPro Migrator Preferences – The FmPro Migrator
preferences database file stores user entered info for the FileMaker
tab migration fields within the user documents directory. Previously
entered settings are restored each time the application is launched.

* Simplified Access Database Migrations – Migration projects
involving Microsoft Access databases have been simplified by
eliminating the need to create an ODBC DSN to either a source or
destination Access database file. FmPro Migrator now automatically
makes a File DSN ODBC connection to the Access .mdb file. This
feature is used when gathering info from Access databases, creating
tables or transferring data to/from Access databases.
* Maintenance Items – Cosmetic improvements have been made to the
display of table columns from Bento databases, and when refreshing
the Migration Process window after resizing.

Existing FmPro Migrator customers can upgrade to FmPro Migrator 4.45
at no charge. The single-user licensing includes a copy of FmPro
Migrator for both Mac OS X (Universal Binary) and Windows platforms.
FmPro Migrator customers may upgrade to FmPro Migrator Developer
Edition for $100.

A functional demo version of FmPro Migrator may be downloaded from