.com Solutions has updated FmPro Migrator Developer Edition to
version 4.86, adding a FmPro To Servoy Migration Feature. FmPro
Migrator Developer Edition enables Servoy developers to realize
dramatic productivity gains by re-purposing existing FileMaker Pro
solutions as Servoy Eclipse projects.

The FmPro to Servoy Migration Service incorporated into FmPro
Migrator Developer Edition application provides a fixed-price
conversion service for FileMaker Pro database files into Servoy
Eclipse projects. This service includes the conversion of layouts,
scripts, relationships, and value lists within a predefined budget.
This service leverages the automated layout and relationship
importing features of FmPro Migrator Developer Edition, along with
FileMaker Pro Advanced.

In order to introduce Servoy developers to the benefits of the FmPro
to Servoy Migration Service, .com Solutions Inc. is offering special
introductory pricing for 30 days. During this introductory offer,
the total price of the migration service will be discounted by 25
percent. For more info about the FmPro to Servoy Migration Service,
including an online price quote, go here: