CrossLoop (, an Internet company that
enables consumers and small businesses to receive help through
independent service providers and technology, says Mac users can now
gain easy access to immediate and qualified technical support.

Through a Mac-specific beta version of CrossLoop’s award-winning,
free desktop sharing software, CrossLoop enables Mac users across the
globe to find immediate help and training for virtually any tech
issue — anytime, anywhere, according to CrossLoop CEO Lisa Alderson.
CrossLoop Mac compatibility enables a more seamless experience while
providing application training and support across platforms, whether
users enlist tech-savvy family and friends for free or access
CrossLoop’s network of tech Helpers for professional support, she

Users can now transfer files from Mac to Mac, Mac to Windows, or
Windows to Mac.Consumers can now receive tech support from
CrossLoop’s network of trusted, qualified service providers,
regardless of their computing platform preference.

“Mac compatibility has been the most sought after feature among our
rapidly growing user base,” Alderson says. “Consumers and small
businesses look to CrossLoop Helpers for assistance with everything
from removing computer viruses and backing up data to training for
thousands of software programs or simply synching an iPhone. We’re
happy to now be able to offer users the support they need across

According to a recent Parks Associates survey, mixed computer
households — including both PCs and Macs — are 38 percent more
likely to have reported the need for technical support in the past
year. These households are 55 percent more likely to use professional
tech support services to resolve home computer problems. CrossLoop’s
desktop sharing technology simplifies working securely with others in
different physical locations across diverse network environments.

“Combined with the community of more than 10,000 technology experts,
CrossLoop brings personal relationships back to tech support.
Technology experts in the CrossLoop Marketplace have a wide range of
expertise, including hardware support, software and applications
support and training,” says Alderson. “Users have logged over 100
million help minutes to date, which translates to more than 190 years
of connectivity in less than three years.”

The CrossLoop Help Marketplace and CrossLoop’s free desktop sharing
software are available at the CrossLoop web site.