Artlandia has updated Artlandia SymmetryWorks
the Illustrator plug-in for pattern design. There
are now two versions of the plug-in:
° SymmetryWorks 5 features the new insertion
mode, streamlined export of finished patterns,
and support for new types of objects and pattern
classes. With these enhancements, creating a
repeat pattern is as easy as spraying new objects
into the pattern area, according to the folks at
Artlandia. The plug-in automatically puts
everything in repeat.
° SymmetryWorks LP is a combination of
SymmetryWorks 5 and Artlandia’s second
Illustrator plug-in, Artlandia LivePresets, which
was released last year. These plug-ins approach
the pattern design workflow from two ends.
SymmetryWorks solves the problem of creating
repeat patterns, and LivePresets makes
Illustrator pattern swatches editable, with
simultaneous re-painting of all objects that use
the swatch. SymmetryWorks LP unites these tasks;
the designer can now create repeat patterns and
automatically apply them throughout the artwork.
SymmetryWorks is available for Mac OS and Windows
platforms, and is compatible with all Illustrator
versions 10+ (CS2 and later recommended). The
price of the download version of SymmetryWorks 5
is US$249 ($75 for an upgrade). SymmetryWorks LP
costs $364 ($190 for an upgrade).