FileWave ( has released version 9 of FileWave
InventoryT. The new version allows customers to meet the ever-growing
requirements for asset and inventory management, according to Ben
Forsyth, director of Software Development for FileWave.
New features include: purchase order management, maintenance contract
management, as well as a vendor and product database. FileWave
InventoryT is FileWave’s IT software and hardware inventory
management solution for Mac OS and Windows systems, as well as for
all SNMP supported devices. Client computers automatically send all
information to the centralized SQL database where reports are run to
verify license compliance and compute financial values useful in
Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX) compliance.
FileWave InventoryT 9 brings a new way to manage all of the IT assets
in an estate. The new solution also offers increased security
features such as being able to limit data accessibility by
department, OS type, location and other user definable criteria. Its
improved web based user interface now uses Asynchronous JavaScript
and XML (AJAX) to provide a Web 2.0 experience.
FileWave develops, markets and integrates the software management
tools FileWaveT and FileWave InventoryT. These products deploy,
monitor, and manage applications in enterprise network environments
based on Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows and Linux systems. Contact the
company for pricing options and other details.