(img src=”{filedir_1}boxskypecapwin_thumb.png” border=”0″ alt=”image”
name=”image” class=”left” width=”85″ height=”94″ /)SkypeCap has
updated (a href=”http://www.skypecap.com/SkypeCap_for_Mac/”
TARGET=”_blank”)SkypeCap for Mac(/a), their Skype audio session
recorder for Mac OS X (10.4 and higher), to version 3.0. The upgrade
allows you to capture and record audio and video calls via Skype in
real time, so that you could replay the records later and share them
with other people.
SkypeCap for Mac allows you to record audio conversation from Skype
to audio mp4 file. It fully integrates the process into the Mac
experience by allowing human interaction during recording. You can
save your Skype sessions so that you could hear them again later or
share them with someone else.
You can use SkypeCap to record Skype Casts, teleconference calls,
meetings, training sessions, announcements, interviews, group
brainstorming sessions, telephone and cellular phone calls and more.
SkypeCap costs US$49.95 and requires Mac OS X 10.4 or higher.
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