Small Tree (, maker of Mac-based networking
and shared storage products, has finished developing its network
driver software for the next generation of Intel’s Ethernet 10
Gigabit PCI Express Adapter, based on the Intel 82599 10 Gigabit
Ethernet Controller. Small Tree’s OS X software driver, designed for
Intel’s adapters, offers a “significant performance improvement in 10
Gigabit connections at an affordable price for the Apple
marketplace,” says Corky Seeber, president of Small Tree.
He adds that the company’s technology is ready to support all the new
performance boosting features in the upcoming Mac OS 10.6 (“Snow
Leopard”). Development was focused on providing reliable real time
performance using Apple Filing Protocol (AFP), the protocol chosen
most often by Final Cut users to share files. The software has also
been optimized to work with Small Tree’s GraniteSTOR line of
Ethernet-based shared storage products — ST-RAID, abcSAN and EasyAoE.