Nemetschek North America says the second edition of Vectorworks
Architect and Essentials tutorial manuals from Jonathan Pickup are
now available for purchase. These tutorials offer Vectorworks
software users a method of learning, combining step-by-step
instructions written in a conversational tone with movies.
The tutorials are based on version 2010 but can be used with prior
versions of Vectorworks software. The “Vectorworks Essentials
Tutorial Manual” is a designed for anyone new to Vectorworks. The aim
of this manual is to eliminate the mystery of computer-aided design
and to give an understanding of how to use Vectorworks.
The “Vectorworks Architect Tutorial Manual” is a project-based
training workbook. The manual walks users through a domestic project
and takes them through the process of documenting the existing site
and building, preparing and presenting proposed renovations, and
finally, creating the working drawings. Along the way there will also
be strategies highlighted for creating concepts quickly and checking
them in 3D.
The hard-copy workbooks come with a companion CD that contains
exercise files for multiple versions of Vectorworks software (2008,
2009, and 2010 formats). The entire manual is also included on the CD
as a PDF file with embedded instructional movies. Each workbook
retails for US$75, plus shipping and handling.
To get a sense of the author’s style and approach, Vectorworks users
are encouraged to read the sample chapters and table of contents
posted here: .
Jonathan Pickup is an architect trained in New Zealand and in the UK
with over 30 years of experience. He has over 15 years of experience
in writing and producing Vectorworks manuals and providing customer