AutoDesSys had announced the adoption of a new open standard developed through a collaboration with the developer of Wild Tools for PowerCADD. OpenClip technology is being added to bonzai3d ( and form•Z (

It offers a different way to export 2D files into 3D programs other than the conventional means. You can copy and paste, yes, copy and paste, precision vector objects from one program to another. The OpenClip plug-in is free. You can use it if you are on the Mac platform and use PowerCADD 8.0 and either bonzai3d 2.0 or form•Z 6.7.

The Mac versions of bonzai3d 2.0 and form•Z 6.7 from AutoDesSys are the first programs to support OpenClip. It handles Paste from OpenClip in the current plane. Copy will be made available in an upcoming version.