Several notable guests and presentations are on tap in this week’s “The MUG Event Calendar.”

Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus will visit a Texas group, Apple Senior Systems Engineer Dave Marra will present to a New Jersey group, while some of his colleagues from The Apple Store, will present to one California group, and Jennifer Bell of Prosoft Engineering will be the featured speaker at another California group.

Bob Boldt of Other World Computing will show off what they offer to a Wisconsin group, while author and graphics expert Scott Kelby will be the special guest at a Michigan group. Other topics up for this discussion include iMovie, Time Machine, digital photography, Numbers vs. Excel, Pages, networking and more.

“The MUG Event Calendar” can be found at The MUG Center (, an online resource for Mac User Groups. MUGs are good places for making new friends in the Mac community, imProving your computing skills, finding solutions to technical Problems, and perhaps locating a good deal on used hardware. For more info on MUGs, and to find the location of the one nearest you, go to Apple’s MUG page (