There are increasing reports of Mac OS malware and viruses, though, so far, the deluge that some security experts have predicted hasn’t arrive. In fact, there’s a new report that reinforces the Mac’s security.

According to “The Hacker News” (, “Russo” is the creator of the Impassioned Framework–Browser Exploitation Kit, a subscription-based software vulnerability exploit service. This toolkit is designed to be stitched into a website and probe visitor computers for security holes that can be used to surreptitiously install malicious software.

Security weaknesses in the file-sharing website have exposed the user names, e-mail and Internet addresses of more than four million Pirate Bay users using this kit. Though Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer and Opera have all been affected, the effects have only been seen on Windows systems. Mac OS X and Unix systems aren’t unaffected.

As Mac OS X grows in popularity, Mac users will doubtless have to take more precautions, as we’ll be a bigger, more tempting, target for those who like to cause cyber-mischief. But for now, darn, it’s still good to be a Mac user.

— Dennis Sellers