VeprIT has released Photo Sense 1.5.1, a new version of its photo enhancement software for Mac OS X and iOS. The upgrade improves automatic image processing results.
It’s also faster and has new creative effects. Version 1.5.1 additionally provides extended input image format support. Photo Sense lets you:
° Automatically apply professional image enhancement techniques to multiple photos;
° Compare photos before and after processing, and choose which ones to save;
° Adjust processing options for selected photos to improve automatic results;
° Improve the composition by cropping and straightening;
° Apply various creative effects;
° Speed up the workflow by copying and pasting processing options, effects and crop and straighten settings between images;
° Convert image formats and resize (downsample) images.
Photo Sense can also be used as a batch image converter/resizer (down-sampler). For images of the same size, it can even be used to perform batch image cropping and straightening.
An evaluation version of Photo Sense 1.5.1 is available for download at ; registration is approximately US$32. Photo Sense is also available on the Mac App Store.