RLS GAMES and Ivanovich Games (http://www.ivanovichgames.com) have announced Push-Cars 1.0, the Mac version of its iOS game. It requires Mac OS X 10.6.6 or higher and costs US$1.99.
Here’s how the game is described: “In the level based game, the player controls several cars, some of them ecologic and clean, that will find their way out of the city, and some polluting ones that will crash and stay in the streets of some of the most beautiful American cities. From New York to Las Vegas, visiting Washington, Miami, Houston, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Hollywood along the way.
“You only have to use one click to position the cars in the desired direction and hit PLAY to make them move and clear each level. Easy to play, but with a smooth difficulty curve that will keep you craving for more! There is more than one way to resolve each level, but only one will give you the three wheels of fame!”
Push-Cars has 90 levels and nine different cars with different behaviors. There’s also an exclusive music theme by Edu Quindos, available soon via an in-app purchase.