AquaFold has introduced Aqua Data Server 1.0, the first release of a new product designed to help organizations simplify and lower the cost of their business intelligence and data warehousing environments by streamlining the development and production deployment of ETL (Extract Transform Load) tasks, data migrations, reporting, dashboards and form-based web applications.
Aqua Data Server provides a an open API (application programming interface) for accessing, manipulating and visualizing data from many data sources. It’s a cross-DBMS and cross-platform application server, fully integrated with the universal desktop database administration tool, Aqua Data Studio.
Aqua Data Server works with Mac OS X, Windows and Linux on the Java 1.6 platform. It’s based on the Apache Tomcat application server and MySQL database for application metadata. The web-based interface is supported by modern web browsers, including Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer and Opera.
Aqua Data Server comes with native connectivity for all major DBMS servers: Aster nCluster, Apache Derby, DB2 LUW, DB2 iSeries, DB2 zOS, Informix, MS SQL Server, MySQL, Netezza, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Sybase ASE, Sybase IQ, Sybase Anywhere and Teradata. Other databases are supported through generic ODBC and JDBC drivers. Contact AquaFold ( for pricing options.