In its newly released March MobileSTAT, Jumptap (, which specializes in targeted mobile advertising, revealed that while the new iPad has crushed sales expectations, traffic levels were small compared to prior device versions.

According to iPad traffic on the Jumptap network of over 107 million monthly mobile users, new iPad use in the first six days after launch was heavy, but represented just a small percentage of overall iPad use that week. New iPad traffic represented .52% of total iPad network traffic on the day of launch, peaked at 2.28% by day three, and closed out the week at 1.92%. The original iPad and iPad 2, on the other hand, each maintained 45% or more of the total iPad traffic throughout the week.

“A very early read of the data would suggest that the new iPad is stealing traffic from the iPad 2,” says Paran Johar, chief Marketing officer, Jumptap. “This trend suggests that iPad 2 users may be more inclined to switch to the new iPad than original iPad users.”