Here are the latest incremental updates for Mac OS X apps:

Cocktail (http:/ — a general purpose utility for OS X that lets you clean, repair and optimize your Mac — has been upgraded to version 6. The new version is compatible with the upcoming OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion.

Noodlesoft has announced Hazel 3.0.9 (, an update of thehousekeeper for your folders and files. The new version is now code-signed and ready for the Gatekeeper feature of OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion.

Hamrick Software ( has released Vuescan 9.1.07, a new version of the VueScan software for Mac OS X that’s designed to let users produce better digital images from color snapshots, negatives, slides and documents. The new version adds support for new Epson printer/scanner/copiers.

Synalsysis ( has revved Synalyze It! — a Hex Editor that lets you edit and analyze binary files of any size — to version 1.3. The new version adds a spotlight plug-in for grammar files, the ability to optionally show hidden files or packages in the file open dialog, and more.