The Apple-Samsung patent battle/trial is underway. Following is some of the latest highlights and where you can find more info.

“A court document filed by Samsung on Thursday revealed the company’s smartphone and tablet sales numbers from June 2010 to June 2012, metrics that have been kept strictly confidential until now.” — “AppleInsider” (

“Apple and Samsung’s courtroom patent melee had outed sales figures for the two companies’ mobile devices. Both firms have been trying to hold back as much of their performance data as possible from the public during the legal scuffle, in which Samsung is accused of copying the Apple iPhone design for its own products.” — “The Register” (

“Samsung just brought a motion for a court order to “to label joint exhibit devices in a manner not obscuring trade dress”. Apple apparently has custody over those joint exhibit devices, most of which are Samsung devices. According to Samsung’s representation, Apple just recently attached large exhibit labels to the backside of those devices.” — “FOSS Patents” (

“How Google’s stealth support is buoying Samsung in Apple fight: The tech titan been quietly providing support to several Android partners battling Apple patent suits, CNET has learned.” — “CNET” (
This is all part of the ongoing, global legal battle. Apple and Samsung have filed more than 30 lawsuits against each other across four continents. For example, Apple alleges that Samsung copied the slide-to-unlock technology of its iPhone and iPad devices.