On the new “MacVoices” (www.macvoicestv.com), Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus shares some unique perspectives on the iPad mini and how it compares to other tablet options.
There are more than a few overlooked aspects of choosing a tablet device, and many people overlook them in their quest to spend the least money. LeVitus outlines some of them, and why he believes the iPad mini is in it for the long haul. He also looks forward to what he will be doing at Macworld | iWorld 2013, and why he’s looking forward to it more than the shows from “the old days.”
“MacVoices” is an Internet show and podcast that delivers in-depth discussions with the most influential people in the Mac industry, as well as “the individuals who are out there making it happen on the front lines of the global Apple community,” according to host Chuck Joiner.