Phase One has released Capture One Express 7, an update of the raw processing and image-editing software for photographers. It offers tools to import, convert, organize, adjust, share and print photographs.
Capture One Express includes many of the advanced features found in Capture One Pro 7, like noise reduction when shooting in low light, the ability to recover details in shadows and highlights, plus fast and flawless black and white conversions. New and improved features of version 7 include:
° The ability to get more detail out of shadows and highlights with the new HDR tool;
° The ability to punch up the color and reduce haze with the new Clarity tool;
° Automatic lens correction for selected lenses ensures image accuracy;
° The ability to convert color to black and white instantly.
Capture One Express 7 also introduces a catalog structure that helps to organize, find, compare and select your images. A catalog contains all the necessary information to find and display any image added to it, including how the images are organized in the catalog and what visual adjustments have been made to them.
Phase One Capture One Express 7 for Mac OS X and Windows is available nfor US$99 at . Owners of Capture One Express 3/4/5/6 may upgrade for $69. A demo is available for download.